Canadian Institute / Shale Gas Symposium Media Room

SCOTT ANDERSON, Senior Policy Advisor for the Environmental Defense Fundshares his perspective on Shale Gas development in the Appalachian Basin. In this conversation with The Canadian Institute, he talks about the important issues that need to be addressed right now:

  • transparency
  • responsible development
  • operational practices
  • the role of the government

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WHYY Radio | Update on natural gas, fracking & the Marcellus Shale: Water

The natural gas industry drilling into the Marcellus Shale formation in Pennsylvania and neighboring states along the Appalachian mountains is at the forefront of many conversations in the state and the country today. With drilling supporter Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett calling for the commonwealth to become the “Texas of the Marcellus Shale boom” and a GOP legislature, the industry has political support in Harrisburg secured. However, at the same time, new questions continue to be raised about its impacts on the environment, especially water.  Joining us to provide an update on those questions is ABRAHM LUSTGARTEN, whose investigative reporting into fracking and Marcellus Shale for the nonprofit ProPublica won last year’s Polk Award.  The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is embarking on a new review of the impacts of the industry, and a member of its Science Advisory Board on these questions is one of our local water and spill experts, Temple University’s MICHEL BOUFADEL, Professor and Chairman of Temple’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Director of Temple’s Center for Natural Resources Development and Protection. Also joining us is DAVID YOXTHEIMER, an Extension Associate with the Penn State Marcellus Center for Outreach and Research, who is investigating water and environmental issues related to Marcellus shale and doing public outreach for Penn State on these issues.

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American Entrepeneur Radio  | Marcellus Shale Series (12-part)

TAE has now engaged some of the state’s top experts for the purpose of conducting a series of 12, two-hour programs dealing with important Marcellus-related topics.  These shows will begin in December 2011.


Part I:

The geologic history of Marcellus Shale with Terry Engelder, Penn State University

Audio processing failed. — Download marcellus-engelder.mp3

Part II:

Why is Marcellus so important to western Pennsylvania and the country? 

Part III:
“Fracking”: What is it, how long has it been in practice, what exactly is the overall gas extraction process like?

Part IV:
What is horizontal drilling and why is it being used in western PA?

Part V:
How should we handle the co- and by-product created by the extraction process (Including waste water)?

Part VI:
What is this project’s impact on our roads, bridges and farms?

Part VII:
What are this project’s long-term effects on our water table and other subterranean minerals?

Part VIII:
What are the financial estimates for this project (Including estimates for natural gas producers, landowners, taxpayers)?

Part IX:
Workforce - Where will the workers come from?  How will they be educated?

Part X:
Land leasing/acquisition: How to ensure that both parties are getting a fair deal?

Part XI:
What is “pooling” and how does this affect landowners and the industry?

Part XII:
What happens after the drillers are gone?  What new industries and businesses will emerge as a result of the Marcellus activity?