Debate: Should Pittsburgh Permit Marcellus Shale Drilling?

The William Pitt Debating Union hosted a public debate (4/6/11) addressing Pittsburgh’s role in the Marcellus Shale drilling boom on Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The moderator of the debate is Dr. Gordon Mitchell of Pitt Department of Communication
Expert Panelist: Professor John Stolz (Duquesne University) and Professor Radisav Vidic (University of Pittsburgh)
Proposition: Kathryn Klaber, Marcellus Shale Coalition and Jayson Myers, Pitt Student Debater
Opposition: Doug Shields, Pittsburgh City Council and Jeff Kurr, Pitt Student Debater

Panel of Student Questioners: Amber Kelsie, Paras Minhas and Chris Solis

Debate Frame

In November 2010, Pittsburgh became the first city in Pennsylvania to ban natural gas drilling when city council members voted unanimously to approve an ordinance that establishes an environmental “Bill of Rights,” including a citizen’s right to water and the right of ecosystems to exist and flourish within the city.

Arguing for the drilling ban should be lifted will be Kathryn Zuberbuhler Klaber. She is President and Executive Director of the Marcellus Shale Coalition, a non-profit group representing gas companies working to tap energy sources in the geological formation that has prompted some to call Pennsylvania the “Saudi Arabia of natural gas.” Teaming with Klaber on the affirmative side will be Jayson Myers, a University of Pittsburgh undergraduate debater.  Pittsburgh City Council member Doug Shields, key sponsor of the drilling ban ordinance, will join with undergraduate student debater Jeff Kurr on the opposition side to argue against permitting drilling within City limits.


A panel of scientists will work with other student debaters to shed light on technical aspects of the debate:

• Professor John Stolz, Director, Center for Environmental Research and Education; Professor Department of Biological Sciences, Duquesne University

• Professor Radisav Vidic, William Kepler Whiteford Professor and Chair, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Pittsburgh

View the debate at

Marcellus Hot Spots: County Drilling Activity, Visualized

Source: Marcellus Shale Advisory Commission report.


The Bradford County Planning Commission has produced some of the best maps charting the growth of the natural gas industry in one of the industry’s busiest counties. Using information from the Department of Environmental Protection.


This American Life: GAMECHANGER

A professor in Pennsylvania makes a calculation, to discover that his state is sitting atop a massive reserve of natural gas—enough to revolutionize how America gets its energy. But another professor in Pennsylvania does a different calculation and reaches a troubling conclusion: that getting natural gas out of the ground poses a risk to public health. Two men, two calculations, and two very different consequences.


Penn State Reports on Marcellus :

The EPA's Take on Public Engagement in Science

On February 8, 2011, EPA released the Draft Hydraulic Fracturing Study Plan (PDF) (140pp, 2.3 MB).

One of the unique aspects of the development strategy has been the amount of public engagement the Agency has solicited and incorporated into the draft study plan. More than 9,500 people provided written comments, participated in webinars, or spoke up at EPA-held meetings in Texas, Colorado, Pennsylvania, New York, and Washington, DC.

EPA scientist Jeanne Briskin, who is helping lead the hydraulic fracturing study, emphasizes the importance of public input in designing the study. “From each and every group, we have learned important and interesting things that will help make our study better,” she says.

Since the Congressional request for the study, Briskin, along with technical lead Dr. Robert W. Puls, and their colleagues have listened carefully. “We’ve gotten comments from an incredible diversity of stakeholders,” says Briskin. “Some feel that hydraulic fracturing and gas development are extremely important because natural gas is an important fuel for our country’s future. Others have raised concerns about potential impacts on their air, their water, and their community.”

“We feel that not only because Congress told us to, but just in general it is important for us to have a very open and transparent process as we put together our approach to studying this issue so that people can see what we’re doing, why we’re doing it, and how we’re doing it,” explains Briskin.

Managing the public input process has been integrated with researching the scientific evidence related to the potential environmental impacts associated with hydraulic fracturing and formulating a scientific strategy for the study plan. Briskin says that “making strong, scientifically-validated information available to the public is important to addressing their concerns and ensuring that policy makers have access to data that will assist them in decision- making.”

Combining both public input and scientific strategies is consistent with recommendations made in a key 1996 National Academy of Sciences (NAS) Report, Understanding Risk:  Informing Decisions in a Democratic Society.  

According to the report, five objectives are important to combining public input and science:

  • Getting the science right
  • Getting the right science
  • Getting the participation right
  • Getting the right participation
  • Developing an accurate, balanced, and informative synthesis.


    The Draft Hydraulic Fracturing Study Plan

    Hydraulic Fracturing Lifecycle

    [Click for full size]

    Briskin and her colleagues followed the objectives illuminated in the NAS report to produce the draft study plan, while focusing on providing the science Congress and the Agency need to make key decisions and on the research needed to advance the sustainability of water resources.
    The heart of the study plan is research questions that address each stage of the lifecycle of water used during hydraulic fracturing operations. The five critical stages in this lifecycle are:

    • Water acquisition—Large volumes of water are transported for the fracturing process.
    • Chemical mixing—Equipment mixes water, chemicals, and sand at the well site.
    • Well injection—The hydraulic fracturing fluid is pumped into the well at high injection rates.
    • Flowback and produced water—Recovered water (called flowback and produced water) is stored on-site in open pits or storage tanks.
    • Wastewater treatment and disposal—The wastewater is then transported for treatment and/or disposal.

    Flowback and produced water is generated when the injection pressure in the well is reduced, which allows theses wastewaters to return to the surface. The wastewater contains injected chemicals, natural gas and contaminants that are found in the subsurface rock formation (e.g., dissolved solids, metals and radionuclides).

    The wastewater can be treated and used in another hydraulic fracturing operation. More common, however, is treatment followed by disposal in an underground injection control well. In areas without underground injection control wells, such as the Northeastern U.S., the wastewater may be treated and discharged via a publicly-owned treatment plant. Many publicly-owned treatment plants may not be able to remove some of the components of hydraulic fracturing wastewater, such as radionuclides and the high levels of dissolved solids. This is of concern particularly in the Northeastern U.S., where there has been increased activity and interest in natural gas development.

    Briskin explains that the research plan is designed to identify which stage of the hydraulic fracturing water lifecycle warrants the closest exploration. Accordingly, her team is planning a series of forward- and backward-looking case studies, scenario evaluations, laboratory work, and an evaluation of the toxicity of chemicals. EPA also will be collaborating with the Department of Energy—which has strong wastewater and radioactivity research programs—in carrying out the study plan, as well as with other Federal partners.

    Briskin and her EPA colleagues continue to welcome stakeholder involvement from members of the public, states, industry, tribes, sister Federal agencies, technical experts, and other stakeholders as they select locations for case studies and revise the draft study plan released on February 8, 2011.


    Fracwater Management... now what?

    EPA asks 6 drillers, DEP, for wastewater info by Anya Litvak | Pittsburgh Business Times (5/11/11)

    Tunnelton Liquids ordered to stop injecting Marcellus Shale water into disposal well by Anya Litvak | Pittsburgh Business Times (5/11/11)

    Is mixing produced waters brines with acid mine drainage and injecting the sludge in an abandoned coal mine really a good idea?

    And here's a report for some more background on produced water handling and managment.  


    Veil, J.A., 2010, Water Management Technologies Used by Marcellus Shale Gas Producers, ANL/EVS/R-10/3, prepared by the Environmental Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory for the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Fossil Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory, JulyANL/EVS/R-10/3

    NETL / Produced Water Management Technology Descriptions

    Study proves methane contamination of drinking water with gas-well drilling and fracking

    Source: National Academies of Science


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